Outdoor Pipe Insulation
Outdoor pipe insulation Line Set must be protected from both weather and physical damage!
Massachusetts Approved Construction Industry Continuing Education Provider |
Outdoor pipe insulation Line Set must be protected from both weather and physical damage!
On-Boarding Training for Municipal and State Building Inspectors March 19-20, 26-27, April 2-3, 2018 The Office of Public Safety and Inspections will convene an On-Boarding Training for Municipal and State Building Inspectors. It is different and distinct from exam preparation courses and, although intended for newer inspectors, is open to all. The training seminar will…
DetailsSome of our customers have contacted us about the state denying their license renewal due to the fact that they didn’t provide a copy of their HIC Registration. The explanation that is given reads: Pursuant to the HIC Act, any…
DetailsAs you may be aware, the Ninth Edition of the State Building Code (780 CMR) is nearly complete. The new, Ninth Edition code is based on modified versions of the following 2015 codes as published by the International Code Council (ICC)…
DetailsPossible Promulgation July 1, 2017 From Rob Anderson, The ninth edition amendments are under final, internal legal review. We hope to file with Secretary of State (SEC) shortly. At this point we are not certain if we will meet the July 1st effective date.
DetailsObscure state board split on change in building code Environmental advocates and many state lawmakers want new homes and commercial buildings to come equipped with the electrical lines needed to hook up electric vehicle chargers. Developers and home builders, however, say customers don’t want electric vehicles, the lines needed to charge them, or the extra…