On-Boarding Training for Municipal and State Building Inspectors
March 19-20, 26-27, April 2-3, 2018
The Office of Public Safety and Inspections will convene an On-Boarding Training for Municipal and State Building Inspectors. It is different and distinct from exam preparation courses and, although intended for newer inspectors, is open to all. The training seminar will be held three consecutive Monday’s and Tuesday’s at the Milford district office locatedat 50 Maple Street in Milford beginning March 19, 2018.
Interested parties can attend 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or all 6 days of training. Those seeking to utilize the course to complete CBO requirements must attend all 6 days of training and must pass a 40 question examination administered on Tuesday afternoon following the final class. Examinees will have 1.5 hours to complete the open-book exam. There will be at least 5 questions relating to each specific day of training, totaling 40 questions.
This Certificate may be substituted for completion of the Codes and Standards Module of the CABO certification examination. Upon successful completion of other requisite requirements for certification as an inspector\building commissioner, the bearer of this certificate will, upon application, be eligible to receive a Massachusetts Inspector of Buildings\Building Commissioner Certification (MCBO).
Milford is a secure facility
All visitors are required to show picture identification upon arrival and will be assigned a visitor pass for the seminar. Please plan to arrive at the location at least 30 minutes prior to the session since it takes some time to go through security.
Registration & Payment
There is a cost of $35.00 for each seminar. If you only register for one day, the cost is $35.00. If you register for two days, the cost is $70.00, all six days, the cost is $210.