1. One hour discussion on 3-6 residential unit sprinkler (white paper). Staff stated it is for existing buildings only not new the paper send to FPFP and Chapter 34 subcommittees (other state agencies for their input) for further review and report for Dec BBRS meeting.
2. Radon code requirement from past to be implemented Around Jan 1, 2015. Unanimous vote.
3. Delete CSL waiver for CON ed unanimously. All Csl need coned every two years.
4. Discussion to have requirement for CSL holder on job site every day as a go to point for BO. Staff to study for possible 9th edition implementation.
5. Interp for on smoke detection in common areas of r- use. Still in subcommittee study and be voted on at a later date.
6. Chap 21 masonry reinforcement code change in EO 485 process.
7. Proposal to have laws enforced throughout the code to be listed in a chart in chapter 1 in the 9th edition. Pending.
8. Discussion on proposed new chapter I in IRC 9th edition (chapter 51) similar to current chapter I in IBC.
9. Further discussion on different chapters for proposed 9th edition including chap 14, 9, and IRC. Staff discuss some changes from 2009 I-codes to 2015 I-codes.
10. Bill 2153 moving sprinklers and alarms from 143 to 148. Meaning fire officials enforce chapter 9 is still alive but very unlikely the lawmakers can together in session by the end of the year especially in an election year.
11. Tom R lead a discussion on congregate living definition for 1/2 family dwelling for upcoming 9th edition.
12. No-Burn application for I-joist floor protection presents documentation to have product approved to be used in MA for use. Motion carried 5-4 to have FPFP and structural subcommittees study and get back with their findings.
13. Discussion on NFPA 285 exterior wall assemblies for 9th edition and findings of structural subcommittee.
14. MFBO president speaks about their code change proposal to reduce sprinkler requirement to 7500 sq ft to mimic 148 26g with one exception and that is definition of substantial renovation is different between law and building code. Definition difference needs to hashed out. DPS and DFS staff to work to hash out differences.
15. No construction control for tents. Unanimously voted.