1. Letter from Town of Burlington BO regarding the BOs on the BBRS are not doing their due diligence in regard to the white paper on residential sprinklers and they are disregarding public safety and entertaining cost as the main issue.
2. FPFP chair talk about the subcommittees meetings in regard to study comparisons for two testing criteria for floor protection in accordance to new code requirement. Only difference was there was a slight deflection criteria between the two and the subcommittee asked their counterpart, the structural subcommittee, for their expertise. It was concluded that the deflection was not significant enough for concern but the tests used are subjective (different variables for each test) and most FPFP members feel products may fail at a quicker rate then thought. FPFP members believe the duration test for both criteria (1 accepted and 1 pending) is lacking and there are some concerns at this time.
3. FPFP subcommittee recommendation is to have SD installed in all residential buildings common areas which are under renovation and do not have a sprinkler systems installed in accordance to 780 CMR eighth edition (NFPA 13 system with sprinklers throughout building.) Motion unanimous to have staff update interp. Basically if an existing residential (3 or more units) who do not have sprinklers throughout and are not required to upgrade the sprinkler system, common SD must remain (exception to remove not exercised) or be installed to provide notification if a fire condition.
4. FPFP subcommittee commented on insulated exterior walls (SIP) had lengthy discussion on size of building and many municipalities do not have apparatus to reach high buildings. FPFP can not support any code change proposals at this point but are open to work with proponents in drafting acceptable language agree by both sides. No action at this point.
5. Chapter 21 board adamant on reinforcement of sheer walls be moved forward for promulgation.
6. Motion unanimous to amend who can perform blower door test until 9th edition is implemented. 2 year experience with either blower door or duct install is required before BBRS allows an individual to be considered as a third party inspector (in lieu of HERS rater). Individual must have notarized letter stating their two year experience in blower door/duct blasting industry.
7. DCR flood hazard member spoke on nfip minimum standards coming to the ninth edition building code for this state.
8. DOE discusses upcoming energy code changes in the next code cycles.
9. Chapter 1 language discussed for 9th edition. Vote 6=2 to move forward to BCCC the changes to Chapter 1. Reasons for Votes against is there are some alleged conflicts in Chapter 1 with new 527 CMR that need to be resolved first.