There were a number of items discussed at the last BBRS update hearing, from who the Chairman and Vice, Chairman will be to changing the CSL definition to include building & fire officials, to when the 9th edition may begin. We’ve listed them below for easy reference.
- Richard Crowley reappointed as chairman and Tom Perry as Vice-Chairman.
- Building Official Certification Committee (BOCC) to be revisited and expand it to 11 members to mirror other BBRS advisory committees which means adding two members. One would represent MetroWest BO Assoc and add one more at large member. It’s a code change proposal that will be heard at the next public hearing.
- BOCC has two recommendations for BBRS. One, drop NCCPI as the exam and use ICC exam and to drop technical exam and have an in-house exam as replacement so exam is on building and not involving plumbing/electrical issues in which BO does not enforce. Motion is to accept recommendation. Unanimous.
- Motion to have BOCC look into having plans exam test for BO certification so BO has experience reading plans. Vote unanimously.
- An Attorney provided testimony on coastal construction and new restricting regulations being proposed that would eliminate use of ground floor space causing confusion since some buildings will be able to continue to use space while next door building can not. Taken under advisement. DCR provided testimony too.
- Doer provided additional testimony on proposed stretch energy code, solar-ready roofs for commercial use and car charging stations in parking garages.
- Vote on errata developed by staff With three changes. Vote unanimously.
- Discussion on technical committees makeup with new member representation. Motion to change definition to include license CSL and certified building & fire official. Vote unanimously to change advisory committee makeup.
- Many votes on cleaning up language from EO562 review process. Many are grammar, punctuation corrections. Close to 4 dozen corrections voted on.
- State Building Inspector Gordon Bailey discussed history of lodging house and bed and breakfast in one/ two family in regard to sprinklers and what level. Also IBC has created an owner occupied lodging house with 5 guest rooms to fell under IRC and if MA amendment goes through this scenario would not have sprinklers. Proposal is to have this scenario be required to have a least 13D sprinkler system. Board voted to bring it to public hearing .
- No public hearing in February 2016, hopefully in March, so 9th edition probably will not begin until Aug 1 at earliest.