1. Gary Moccia, in attendance as a citizen, was recognized for 20+ years as a BBRS member by both the DPS Commissioner and the chairman for all the work and long hours he put in for the citizens of the commonwealth to move forward the changes in the building code over the years.
2. RA discusses state building inspectors departmental review of local building departments, usually performed on complaints to ensure that local bldg department is enforcing 780 CMR correctly. No questions just informing board of what DPS does on a regular basis in accordance to MGL 143 3A. Reports are two fold to ensure 780 CMR is enforced and inspectors recommendations to help BO enforce the building code more efficiently.
3. Tom R discuses window replacement in commercial buildings and the industry is not being regulated correctly (no permits applied for). Provide guidance for BO and low bidders in the industry not following code and being awarded jobs. Board feels strongly that they must react to allegations and reel in those not following the code. Staff writes formal memo for Board to approve before issuing to industry and BO.
4. 4th test accepted by ICC for Boise Cascade I-joist ceramic fiber blanket as equivalent for floor protection. BBRS accepts new method since it conforms to ICC Es ESR-1144 and ESR-1336 for floor protection (R503.1).
5. APA system report (national company on wood products) has a rigorous standard SR-405 (meets ASTM standard D5055) that if I joist is built to their standard it’s an equivalency to the code requirement for floor protection. Board discussed its merit and many members like the process they are approaching but had some concern on the facts. Motion to accept 2nd (by fire services) unanimous if method used is supported by report issued by a certification accredited under ISO 17065 and a fire performance (ICS 13.220.50)
6. New interp for floor protection approved unanimously and will be forwarded in the near future with added accepted method.
7. Manufacturer buildings update – the trend in state is on the upswing of more address being shipped manufactured buildings in the last few years. Complaints are down in recent years. Update only.
8. Mike G provides update on 9th edition and proposed amendments to national code being considered. More to follow in upcoming BBRS meetings. 3 things agreed is that 9th edition residential code will have reference to ICC Pool and Spa Code, not adopt “Solar ready” provisions, and set bottom of lowest floor framing 2 ft above flood level in V and Coastal A – zones.
9. ICC for next edition will having voting online.
10. Discussion on re-using modular buildings but have it stay approved under code when it was submitted. Tabled to next month, and mostly likely be captured in the 9th edition.
11. BBRS goals and objectives for 2015 and beyond as seen by Richard C as a board member. Try to have ICC amend their codes to MA amendments, work with legislators on proposals that work for all in the enforcement arena, streamline permitting in the commonwealth, etc.
12. RA discusses the state laws that enable BBRS and how it establishes an agency to oversee the day to day operations of the BBRS.