Proposed changes in energy code and shake up of BBRS
SENATE, January 23, 2020.
The committee on Senate Ways and Means to whom was referred the Senate Bill to encourage the deployment of heat pumps (Senate, No. 1925) (also based on Senate, Nos. 524, 1926, 1929, 1935, 1957 and 2011), – reports, recommending that the same ought to pass with an amendment substituting a new draft entitled “An Act setting next-generation climate policy” (Senate, No. 2477).
For the committee, Michael J. Rodrigues
Read the full document here: S2477 An Act setting next-gneration climate policy
Also read about the Changes Proposed by SB 2476 and SB 2477 in a letter sent to the BBRS. Read the full document here: Senate Climate Change Bills_SB.2477